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Graphical presentations of HMMs

Most tutorial materials on Hidden Markov models adopt the ``urns and balls'' model of the underlying process[*] (see for example Krenn and Samuelsson, Rabiner, and Huang, Ariki and Jack). In the urn and ball model, we assume that there are N large urns in a room. Each urn contains a number of coloured balls. There are M different colours, and the relative proportion of each colour may differ from urn to urn. A genie randomly jumps from urn to urn, randomly choosing a ball from each of the urns that it visits. It shouts out the colour of the ball, then replaces it in the urn. The observer hears the shouts but cannot see where the genie is, so does not know which urn the genie is currently in. This is what makes the HMM hidden. A graphical presentation of this view of an HMM is found in figure 10.1

Figure 10.1: An HMM in Rabiner's format

\fbox {


and the transitions for this are shown in table 10.1.

Table 10.1: Transitions in the Rabiner presentation
state a b  
initial: 1.0 0.0  
emission: 0.7 0.5 emits '0'
  0.3 0.5 emits `1`
transition: 0.4 1.0 goes to a
  0.6 0.0 goes to b

The formal version of this approach is to describe an HMM as a tuple \((N,M,{\bf A},{\bf B},{\bf \Pi})\) where:

N is the number of states in the model. (These correspond to the urns in the urns and balls description)
M is the number of symbols in the model. (This corresponds to the number of colours in the urns and balls description)
\({\bf A}\) is an N by N matrix where \({\bf A_{ij}}\) is the conditional probability that the next state is j given that the current state is i. (This models the random process by which the genie jumps about)
\({\bf B}\) is an M by N matrix where \({\bf B_{ij}}\) is the probability that the ith symbol will be generated given that the the system is in state j. (This models the random choice by means of which the genie selects a ball from each urn)
\({\bf \Pi}\) is a vector of length N indicating the probabilities that the model starts at each of the urns. (This specifies where the genie starts)
For example, the transitions shown in table 10.1 (shown diagramatically in figure 10.1) correspond to the following tuple

Charniak doesn't use this model, preferring the arguably simpler model of finite state transducers in which each arc generates a pair of a symbol and a probability. There is nothing wrong with this approach, but since it is non-standard, it can be hard to see how Charniak's discussion of training and decoding algorithms map on to the more conventional approach. The Charniak presentation is shown in figure 10.2 and table 10.2.

Figure 10.2: The graph of figure 10.1 in Charniak's form
\fbox {



Table 10.2: Transitions in the Charniak presentation
state a b Next State Symbol
transition: 0.4 *0.7=0.28 1.0 * 0.5 = 0.5 a '0`
  0.6*0.7=0.42 0.0*0.5 = 0.0 b '0`
  0.4 *0.3=0.12 1.0 * 0.5=0.5 a '1`
  0.6 * 0.3=0.18 0.0 * 0.5 =0.0 b `1`

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Chris Brew