Determining the Placement of German Verbs in English-to-German SMT Anita Gojun, Alexander Fraser EACL 2012 When translating English to German, using statistical machine translation (SMT), existing reordering models often cannot model long-range reorderings which are needed to generate the German translations with verbs in the correct position. We implement a method for reordering English as a preprocessing step for English-to-German SMT. The reordering is a sequence of hand-crafted reordering rules applied to English parse trees. The reordering rules place English verbal elements in the positions within the clause they will have in the German translation. This is a difficult problem, as German verbal elements can appear in different positions within a clause (in contrast with English verbal elements, for which the position can not vary as much). The reordered English sentences are then translated by a standard phrase-based SMT system. We show that our approach leads to a significant improvement in translation performance.