The RegMod functor


signature REGMOD
functor RegMod ( ... ) : REGMOD

This functor generates models of (regular or) Kleenean algebra, i.e. an interpretation of regular expressions (with free variables) in a given Kleenean algebra. This algebra has to come with a fixed interpretation of constants.

Functor argument interface

structure K : KA
eqtype alph
val envAtom : alph -> K.t


structure K : KA
a Kleenean algebra.

eqtype alph
an alphabet of constants.

envAtom a
returns an element of K, which is used to interpret the atomic expression E.Atom a.

Functor result interface

structure K : KA
structure Exp : REGEXP
datatype re = datatype
eqtype alph
type exp = alph re
type t = K.t
val eval : (int -> t) -> exp -> t


datatype re = datatype

eqtype alph

type exp = alph re
the regular expressions over the alphabet alph.

type t = K.t

eval env e
returns the value of expression e in K in the environment env. In particular, eval env (Var i) gives env i, and eval env (Atom a) gives envAtom a.

See Also



The name RegMod may change. Here it means ``model of regular algebra'', but we may reserve it for ``module over a regular algebra'' (which is useful for linear languages).