echo 'It is strange that the small cat is sleeping' | apertium -d . eng-deu Es ist seltsam dass die kleine Katze schläft echo 'It is strange that the small cat is sleeping' | apertium -d . eng-deu-morph ^It/prpers/prpers$ ^is/be$ ^strange/strange$ ^that/that/that/that/that$ ^the/the$ ^small/small$ ^cat/cat$ ^is/be$ ^sleeping/sleep/sleep/sleep$^./.$ echo 'It is strange that the small cat is sleeping' | apertium -d . eng-deu-tagger ^Prpers$ ^be$ ^strange$ ^that$ ^the$ ^small$ ^cat$ ^be$ ^sleep$^.$ echo 'It is strange that the small cat is sleeping' | apertium -d . eng-deu-transfer ^Prpers{^Prpers$}$ ^verb{^sein<2><3><4>$}$ ^adj{^seltsam$}$ ^conj{^dass$}$ ^det_adj_nom{^der$ ^klein$ ^Katze$}$ ^verb{^schlafen<2><3><4>$}$^punt{^.$}$